November 9

“What’s at stake in Harvard suit: Decades of debate on race”

Racial issues will always be in the world. Racial problems are the one issue that will never be solved because everyone has there own opinion on the subject. No matter what one person will get chosen over another person because of race. 64% of Americans get racial descrimated from there gender, color, or race on the daily.  

In the article,  Harvard is getting accused of setting a “Quota of Asian- Americans” and hold them to a high standard than white Americans. In the Harvard case, Asian-Americans are separated and some said they are being racial descrimated and some say they are not. Some Asian- Americans are quoted say “a wage in a brazen attempt to abolish affirmative action.” (article)  With Asian-Americans being quoted in the case/article they think that they will make new laws banning the consideration of race in the college admissions. The article quotes “Sometimes arcane admissions”. Experts on the case say that they will expose “One of the most selective institutions in the world. “   This exposer will at most make its way to a more newly conservative supreme court and change the face of college admissions.


Posted November 9, 2018 by mhouck2021 in category Uncategorized

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